Canadian Bhutanese Society of Lethbridge (CBS) commenced yet another Driver Education Class from 12th May 2013. The classes are being held at Lethbridge Public Library main branch. There are about 20 plus participants enrolled for Sunday classes which will last for about two months.
This could be the last batch of participants going through driver education course, as we have to start Citizenship classes from this summer onwards. This is the third year in a row that these classes are being organized by CBS in Library. About 75 participants have benefited from these courses. As driver license is a essential tool for self development CBS has made every effort to help their newly resettled community members who have language barrier.
CBS is very thankful to Suk Man Subba and Kamal Dahal for their contribution for volunteering to the event for a second year in a row. We are also very thankful to Lethbridge Public Library for allowing us to use their facility for free of cost.