On the 8th of December 2018, the Canadian Bhutanese Society of Lethbridge held a general election at the Boys and Girls club of Lethbridge and District at 11:00AM. The meeting elected the society’s Executive committee. The elected members are:
Santosh Timsina President
Robin Timsina Vice President
Sita Kalikotey Vice President
Sha Bahadur Subba Secretary
Tanka Bayalkoti Treasurer
Moni Gurung Special Event
Mon Khadka Sports Coordinator
Muna Rai Sports Coordinator
Bishnu Magar Cultural Coordinator
Sunita Rai Cultural Coordinator
Reena Sharma Cultural Coordinator
Kumar Lowagan Cultural Coordinator
Election committee hereby declares the listed members to be the elected executive board of Canadian Bhutanese Society for the term of 2019-2020. We congratulate newly elected members and wish them good luck for their term ahead.
Election Board
Kamal Dahal, Harka Gurung, Mohan Singh Gurung and Bishnu Koirala